Mednarodno sodelovanje in podporniki

Ribalon’s supervisors & consultants

Chris Iveson, Harvey Ratner, Evan George, BRIEF, United Kingdom

Jenny Clarke, sfwork – the centre for solution focus at work, United Kingdom

International partners (by country)

Superbly Human, Hannes Couvreur, Belgium

AHA moments SPLTD, Leah Davcheva, Bulgaria

Solutionsbywulf, Anne Marie Wulf, Denmark

Solutionsurfers magyaroszag, Katalin Hankovszky Christiansen, Hungary

Bureau Uil, Ella de Jong, Netherlands

Soluzioni creative, Marco Matera, Italy

Solution Focused Trainers, John Wheeler, United Kingdom

Naomi Whitehead Training, Naomi Whitehead, United Kingdom

International Associations

EBTA (European Brief Therapy Association)

SFBTA (Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Association, USA)

SOL World (international, worldwide)

UKASFP (United Kingdom Association for Solution Focused Practice)

People, who have expressed their support through the Indiegogo campaign and have enabled the start of the Ribalon Institute (in no specific order):

  • Ella de Jong (a distant supporter, who has helped not only by contributing but also by encouraging and giving precious and most useful tips)
  • Foto Grad Ljubljana a company, that is not engaged in the project directly, but has found it promising and wanted to help (a whole lot!)
  • Joseph A. Mussomeli, USA Ambassador to Slovenia, who found the project very useful and effective – he gave the money out of his own pocket to express this
  • Jana Jokanovic, the most open minded and non-judging person I know
  • Eva Starman, my inspiration and guide, also the one who’s always supported my ambition
  • Daniel Kurincic, a young enterpreneur with high ambition to make a difference in the world
  • Matjaz Rebolj, the most important person in my life and the reason I keep going
  • As one should do, ourselves. If you want to have good response, be a voice, not an echo.